How to avoid website mistakes


A website is an investment

Do you want to make sure you get the most out of your time and money?

  • Maybe, you are tempted by a wonderful template you’ve seen someone else use but you are not absolutely sure that it is going to be right for you.
  • Or maybe, your current website is ok, but you know it can be better.  You just don’t know where to start.

This is not one of those guides that makes you feel overwhelmed or inadequate so you’ll hire me.

It gives you a process to follow so you can make smart decisions on your own terms based on what works for you.

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All the details

This guide asks you to do a lot of thinking but it also gives you plenty of suggestions and guidance to steer you through. It can be used by anyone but it is especially useful if you are selling your services to others. Most importantly, for your website to really work you can’t avoid this stuff so heads down, and let’s go

And is full of professional guidance and some insider tips that I use with every client.



I really want this to be exciting or even fun! So, I’ve put a playlist together to entertain you while you work.  I curated this playlist when I was writing and designing this guide. I love working with music, it helps me focus but it also helps my mood and approach to different tasks. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed making it!

Grab a cuppa & read some insider tips that I use with every client.

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Turn your website dreams into action with a vision board!

Vision board your dream website
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